Judicial Branch Statistics
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The Judicial Branch operates two juvenile residential centers in the State of Connecticut:
Bridgeport - 60 Housatonic Avenue
Hartford - 920 Broad Street
Yearly Statewide Pretrial Admissions 2006-2024
This table provides historical data for pretrial admissions by admission criteria and gender; juveniles
admitted by gender, race/ethnicity, and court location; and population
by length of stay and average daily count. Please note that admission
counts may include multiple admissions for a single juvenile.
Post-Disposition Treatment Admissions (REGIONS) 2019-2024
Note on Table Creation: The information in the tables
comes from databases that are always being updated. As a result, the tables
only show the information that was in the databases on the day they were
created. Information in the databases can change because cases that were
disposed at the time the table was created were later reopened, or because
of the late entry of data. Because of this, all of the tables are created on
the 5th business day after the close of the fiscal year.
- Added case: A case that is entered into one of the Judicial Branch’s automated systems.
- Claimed case: A case in which a party or the party’s attorney (in a civil or family case) enters a claim that a case be placed onto a trial list.
- Disposed case: A case in which a decision has been made.
- Fiscal year: July 1st through June 30th.
- Pending case: A case in which a decision has not been made.
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