State of
Connecticut Probate Courts:
OLR Research
Reports - Office of Legislative Research:
and Connecticut Laws on Involuntary Treatment for Substance Abuse 2018-R-0311
Compares Kentucky’s law on involuntary treatment for alcohol or drug
abuse (“Casey’s Law”) to Connecticut's law on this issue.
Competency to Stand Trial 2017-R-0164 Describe the laws pertaining
to competency to stand trial.
You asked for a concise summary of the law governing the civil
commitment of mentally ill children.
- Updated Report:
Involuntary Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Laws 2013-R-0105
You asked for an update of OLR Report
which described involuntary outpatient mental health treatment laws in
other states. You want to know how often the states with such laws have
invoked them. Finally, you requested information on recent legislative
changes to New York's outpatient commitment law.
- Involuntary
Civil Commitment and Patients' Rights 2013-R-0041
This report provides a summary of the law on involuntary civil
commitment of people age 16 and over with mental illness, updating OLR
Report 2002-R-0848. This report also briefly describes the rights of
patients who are receiving psychiatric care.
Medication for Involuntary Committed Mentally Ill People 1999-R-1059
You asked for (1) a description of “Rogers' Law” in Massachusetts and
similar laws in New York and Florida; (2) the number of people in
Connecticut committed to a state mental health facility for criminal
behavior, the number who take medication to control their behavior, and
the cost of their treatment; and (3) the cost of confining people in a
Department of Correction facility.
Connecticut Probate
Department of Mental
Health & Addiction Services:
Infoline eLibrary:
Connecticut Estates Practice: Incapacity, Powers of Attorney and Adoption in
Connecticut 3d Edition., by Ralph H. Folsom & Gayle B. Wilhelm
Connecticut Estates Practice: Incapacity, Probate Litigation in Connecticut
3d Edition., by Ralph H. Folsom & Michael P. Kaelin
Chapter 319i
Persons with Psychiatric Disabilities
Part III - Patients'
(Formerly Sec. 17-206a). Definitions
(Formerly Sec. 17-206b). Deprivation of Rights of Patient Prohibited. Exception.
(Formerly Sec. 17-206c). Humane and Dignified Treatment Required. Formulation of
Discharge Plan.
(Formerly Sec. 17-206d). Procedures Governing Medication, Treatment, Psychosurgery
and Shock Therapy.
(Formerly Sec. 17-206e). Placement of Patient in Seclusion or Mechanical Restraint.
Medication Not to Be Used as Substitute for Habilitation.
(Formerly Sec. 17-206f).
Physical and Psychiatric Examinations.
(Formerly Sec. 17-206k).
Remedies of Aggrieved Persons.
801b Probate Court Procedures
Chapter 802h
Protected Persons and Their Property
Chapter 815t Juvenile
960 Information, Procedure and Bail
Click on the link below to search
the full-text of the statutes:
Official Connecticut
Probate Court Forms |