Connecticut Probate Deskbook, Revised Edition. by Nancy E.
Blair, John R Musicaro, Jr. and Gayle B. Wilhelm
Connecticut Estate Planning, Wills and Trusts Library, by Robert F.
Death Taxes, 3rd ed., by Gayle B. Wilhelm
Drafting Trusts in Connecticut. 2nd ed., by
Ralph H. Folsom and Gayle B. Wilhelm
Drafting Wills in Connecticut. 2nd ed., by
Ralph H. Folsom and Gayle B. Wilhelm
Incapacity, Powers of Attorney and
Adoption in Connecticut. 3rd ed., by Ralph H. Folsom and Gayle B Wilhelm
Probate Jurisdiction and Procedure in
Connecticut, 2nd ed., by Ralph H. Folsom and Gayle B. Wilhelm
Probate Litigation in Connecticut, 2nd ed.,
by Ralph H. Folsom, Ralph H. and Gayle B. Wilhelm
Revocable Trusts and Trust Administration
in Connecticut. by Ralph H. Folsom, Ralph H. and Gayle B. Wilhelm
Settlement of Estates in Connecticut, 2nd
ed., by Gayle B. Wilhelm
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