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Connecticut Law About Computer and Internet Crimes
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See Also: Law About Identity Theft

Research Guides

  Connecticut General Statutes

Connecticut Judicial Branch:

Selected Criminal Jury Instructions -

6.7 Stalking and Harassment

7.6 Against Children

8.7 Terrorism

9.6 Computer Crimes

  • 9.6 Introduction to Computer Crimes

  • 9.6-1 Unauthorized Access to a Computer System -- 53a-251 (b) and 53a-252 through 53a-256

  • 9.6-2 Theft of Computer Services -- 53a-251 (c) and 53a-252 through 53a-256

  • 9.6-3 Interruption of Computer Services -- 53a-251 (d) and 53a-252 through 53a-256

  • 9.6-4 Misuse of Computer System Information -- 53a-251 (e) (1) and 53a-252 through 53a-256

  • 9.6-5 Misuse of Computer System Information -- 53a-251 (e) (2) and 53a-252 through 53a-256

  • 9.6-6 Misuse of Computer System Information -- 53a-251 (e)(3) and (4) and 53a-252 through 53a-256

  • 9.6-7 Destruction of Computer Equipment --  53a-251 (f) and 53a-252 through 53a-256

10.5 Internet Crimes

  • 10.5 Introduction to Internet Crimes

  • 10.5-1 Unauthorized Use of a Computer or Computer Network -- 53-451 (b)

  • 10.5-2 Unlawful Sale or Distribution of Certain Software -- 53-451 (c)

Glossary of Terms:

OLR Research Reports - Office of Legislative Research:

  • Questionable Anti-Social Behavior in Cyber Chat Rooms - 2013-R-0155
    You asked if there are any laws regarding "questionable anti-social behavior" in cyber chat rooms. You asked if such behavior falls under the First Amendment's freedom of speech umbrella.

  • OLR Backgrounder: Cyberstalking - 2012-R-0293

  • Penalties For Computer Hacking - 2012-R-0254
    You asked about the penalties under state law for computer hacking (accessing someone's computer without authorization).

  • Cyberstalking - 2009-R-0117
    You asked for information on cyberstalking and legislation to address it.

  • Charges and Convictions under Cyberstalking Laws - 2009-R-0121
    You asked for data on enforcement of cyberstalking laws in various states, including: (1) the number of persons charged and convicted under the law, (2) the average sentence, and (3) any problems encountered.

  • Patient Information Security - 2009-R-0019
    You asked for information regarding federal and state safeguards preventing the medical industry from using patients' social security numbers (SSNs) inappropriately, particularly the security standards, the penalties for security breaches, and efforts to curb the use of SSNs.

  • Internet Hunting - 2008-R-0129
    You asked for background information on Internet hunting.

  • Internet Theft of Credit Card Numbers - 2002-R-0215
    You asked if the state received any complaints about the Internet theft of credit card numbers and their subsequent illegal use.

Information from the Department of Consumer Protection:


Selected Statutes:

Chapter 952 - Penal Code: Offenses

Chapter 949g - Computer Crimes (Anti-SPAM legislation)

  • Sec. 53-451. Computer crimes.

  • Sec. 53-452. Civil actions. Recovery of attorney's fees and costs. Damages. Statute of limitations.

  • Sec. 53-453. Civil enforcement by Attorney General.

  • Sec. 53-454. Misrepresentation as on-line Internet business. Civil enforcement by Attorney General or aggrieved person. Damages. Exclusions. Penalty.

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