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Appellate Court on Tour at Ansonia High School

Judges from the Appellate Court will hear oral arguments in two criminal cases at Ansonia High School on Friday, Oct. 27, 2006, as part of the Court’s program to educate students about the role and responsibilities of the appellate process.

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The judges are: Joseph P. Flynn, chief judge of the Appellate Court and lifelong Ansonia resident, Appellate Court Judge Chase Rogers, and the Honorable Joseph H. Pellegrino, a judge trial referee.

“Our hearing 'on the road' will provide Ansonia High School students with the opportunity to learn about our court system.” Judge Flynn said.

“This visit is one of the most powerful and authentic experiences that a student – or anyone for that matter – could receive,” Ansonia High School Principal Wilhemenia Christon said. “I thank the Court and Chief Judge Flynn for being willing to do this for our student body.”

The public is invited to the arguments. The first case, State vs. Leslie Russell, will start at 9 a.m., and involves a defendant convicted of third-degree stalking, criminal violation of a protective order and second-degree burglary. Arguments will last for approximately 40 minutes, to be followed by a 20-minute question-and-answer period, in which the judges do not participate.

The second case, State vs. Ricardo Collins, will start at 10 a.m. and involves a defendant convicted of first-degree assault. A question-and-answer period will follow from 10:40-11 a.m. Again, the judges will not participate in the question-and-answer period.

Attorney James E. Sheehy, president of the Lower Naugatuck Valley Bar Association, will moderate both question-and-answer periods.

The court will issue a written decision within a few months of hearing each case.

If a news organization wishes to broadcast, televise, record or photograph the actual arguments before the court, it must file a written request with the appellate court clerk (fax number 860-757-2217). The news organization also must send a certified copy of the written request to each counsel in the cases. If the request is granted, only one television camera, still camera and audio system will be allowed into the arguments, and media outlets will be responsible for pool arrangements.

For further information, please contact Rhonda Stearley-Hebert, manager of communications, at 860-757-2270.


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