The Connecticut Supreme Court will hear oral
arguments in the case of State of Connecticut vs. Michael
Skakel on Friday, Jan. 14, 2005,
at 9a.m.
10a.m. in the Supreme Court courtroom, which is
located at
231 Capitol Ave. in Hartford.
Seating will be on a first-come, first-serve
basis, and members of the news media and public may start
taking seats at 9 a.m. Please be advised that the Supreme
Court courtroom has limited seating.
In accordance with Section 70-10 of the
Connecticut Practice Book, the Supreme Court has granted
permission for CT-N (The Connecticut Network) to record the
arguments for later broadcast. Members of the broadcasting,
televising, or recording media interested in obtaining a clean
pool feed should contact Bill Mendoza at CT-N at (860)
240-8317 to make the necessary arrangements.
Any news organization that plans on bringing
a satellite truck to the proceeding must contact the External
Affairs Division by Wednesday, Jan. 12, 2005, at 5 p.m., so
that appropriate arrangements may be made. Requests must be
faxed on company letterhead to 860-757-2215. Satellite trucks
will not be permitted to park on the sidewalk in front of the
Any device that has a camera will not be
permitted in the building. Cell phones without cameras and
pagers must be muted while in the building. In addition,
laptop computers and umbrellas are not permitted in the
Please refer any media inquiries to the
Division of External Affairs at (860) 757-2270.