Court Support Services Division
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The Court Support Services Division (CSSD) Juvenile Residential Services (JRS) Unit operates a range of both voluntary and court-ordered residential programs and centers designed to meet the unique needs of juveniles who come into contact with the juvenile court system. JRS is committed to providing a safe living environment through evidence-based practice, a strength-based approach, comprehensive education, and quality healthcare services.
Juvenile Residential Services is made up of a vast network of programs and services, including two residential centers in Bridgeport and Hartford, and numerous contracted residential programs. All programs are designed to develop positive social skills for the juveniles in its care and to contribute to community safety.
REGIONS: Community Residential Program @ Hartford and Hamden
Community Residential Programs are secure, community-based, short-term residential services for delinquents and status offenders. They are used by Juvenile Court Judges, when appropriate, instead of putting juveniles in a juvenile residential center, and provide the juvenile a different place to live when doing so can be helpful. This program provides intensive -secure services including education, structured recreation, community service, individual and group services, family mediation, vocational training, and access to medical, mental health and substance abuse intervention and treatment.
REGIONS: Secure Community Residential Programs @ Plainville and Mansfield
Secure Community Residential Programs house female juveniles who have been assessed and classified as appropriate for a secure, gender responsive facility. Juveniles can be sent to these secure facilities before or after their cases are decided. Services include education, medical treatment, life skills, substance abuse intervention, vocational training, and counseling. Families can visit and the girls have recreation opportunities in these residential facilities.
REGIONS @ Waterbury and LitchfieldSecure residential services for boys, ages 14 to 18, with an array of comprehensive services, including academic and vocational education, as well as therapeutic and recreational programs designed to improve social skills and promote the successful return of each boy to his home and community.
REGIONS incorporates family therapy and evidence-based treatment models to address potential underlying issues in each boy's home and community. Youth are assigned a clinician to provide treatment as well as a reintegration mentor to act as a case manager to help them achieve identified goals, such as improving academic performance, preparing for employment and initiating pro-social activities. CJR's REGIONS staff provides a home-like atmosphere that encourages relationship building, responsibility and restorative practices. Each student is offered comprehensive on-site educational services, as well as vocational training opportunities.
American Correctional Association (ACA)
The ACA is a national organization which sets standards detailing minimum operational practices for detention Connecticut's two state-operated juvenile residential centers (Bridgeport and Hartford) are accredited by the ACA. Beginning in 2003, and every 3 years after, the ACA has audited the juvenile residential centers on almost 400 standards. Connecticut is the only state in the country to achieve accreditation of all state-run facilities.
National Commission on Correctional Healthcare
The NCCHC accreditation process is an external peer review that publicly recognizes correctional institutions that meet nationally accepted Standards for Health Services. Connecticut's two state-operated juvenile residential centers are accredited by the NCCHC. Beginning in 2004, and every 3 years after, the NCCHC has audited the juvenile residential centers and granted them accreditation status.