Legal Clinics and Help
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Please Note

There is an application available to request that a free legal clinic or program be included on this web page.

Updates about legal clinics already listed on this page should be emailed to Christopher Roy.

Contract Collections Help
Talk to a lawyer about installment payment orders, executions, exemptions, modifications, or other contract collections questions.
Volunteer Attorney Program Schedule — Call the Court Operations Unit at 860-263-2734 to confirm that there is no change to the clinic schedule.
Bridgeport: (Click the link above for specific dates)
(Click the link above for specific dates)
New Haven:
(Click the link above for specific dates)
Waterbury: (Click the link above for specific dates)

Divorce / Custody Help
Talk to a lawyer about divorce, custody, visitation, or other family questions.
Volunteer Attorney Program Schedule — Call the Court Operations Unit at 860-263-2734 to confirm that there is no change to the clinic schedule.
Hartford: Wednesdays (click the link above for specific dates)
Thursdays (click the link above for specific dates)
Fridays (click the link above for specific dates)
Divorce/Custody ClinicExternal Link — Call Statewide Legal Services at 1-800-453-3320 for an appointment.
Wethersfield: Every 3rd Wednesday
Family Clinic External Link — Call Statewide Legal Services at 1-800-453-3320 for an appointment.
Hartford: Every 1st Tuesday
Family Clinic External Link — Call Statewide Legal Services at 1-800-453-3320 for an appointment.
New Haven: Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday

Eviction Help
Under the state’s new Right to Counsel program for eviction proceedings that is expected to start in January, 2022, you may qualify for a free lawyer if you are in danger of being evicted or losing your housing subsidy. For more information, call 1-800-559-1565 or visit

Apply for rental assistance from Connecticut’s Eviction Prevention Fund. To learn more and to apply, visit Eviction Prevention Fund

Foreclosure Help
Get help with foreclosure and mediation, and find out about resources.
Volunteer Attorney Program Schedule — Call the Court Operations Unit at 860-263-2734 to confirm that there is no change to the clinic schedule.
Bridgeport: Wednesdays (click the link above for specific dates)
Wednesdays (click the link above for specific dates)
New Britain:
Wednesdays (click the link above for specific dates)
New Haven:
Wednesdays (click the link above for specific dates)
New London: Wednesdays (click the link above for specific dates)
Wednesdays (click the link above for specific dates)
Wednesdays (click the link above for specific dates)
Foreclosure Advice Virtual Meetings External Link — Call the Connecticut Fair Housing Center at 860-247-4400 for more information.

General Help
Talk to a lawyer about any legal question.
Ask a Lawyer Calendar External Link — Call the New Haven County Bar Association at 203-562-5750 to confirm that there is no change to the clinic schedule.
East Haven: (click the link above for specific dates)
Madison: (click the link above for specific dates)
New Haven: (click the link above for specific dates)
Northford: (click the link above for specific dates)
North Branford: (click the link above for specific dates)
Legal Information & Referrals External Link — Contact Statewide Legal Services at 1-800-453-3320 for more information.
Hartford: Every Tuesday

Homeless Individuals (Project H.E.L.P.)
Homeless individuals can talk to a lawyer about legal matters.
Project H.E.L.P. Schedule External Link — Visit the Project H.E.L.P. website for more information.
Hartford: Every Tuesday

Pardons Help
Consult with a lawyer to find out if you might be eligible for a pardon and get help with your application.
Call your local Legal Aid office to start the process.

Free Pardons assistance. You may find information for your area by contacting one of the following:

Connecticut Legal Services:
Greater Hartford Legal Aid Pardon Equity Project: phone - 860-541-5045; email -; or website -
New Haven Legal Assistance:

Security Deposits
Talk to a lawyer about getting back your security deposit.
Security Deposit Clinic External Link — Call Statewide Legal Services at 1-800-453-3320 for an appointment.
Wethersfield: Every 3rd Tuesday

Small Claims Help
Talk to a lawyer about starting a case, defending a case, or other small claims questions.
Volunteer Attorney Program Schedule — Call the Court Operations Unit at 860-263-2734 to confirm that there is no change to the clinic schedule.
Hartford: 2nd Tuesday of the month (click the link above for specific dates)
2nd Monday of the month (click the link above for specific dates)
New Haven:
2nd Thursday of the month (click the link above for specific dates)
Veterans Help
Connecticut Veterans Legal Center’s mission is to provide free legal assistance to veterans who are in recovery from homelessness, mental illness, and substance abuse to help them overcome legal barriers to housing, healthcare, and income. Here are ways to get in touch.


Note: There is an Application available to request that a free legal clinic or program be included on this web page.
